5 things you need to know about home security in 2018

We’ve compiled out top 5 home security tips for 2018. 

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‘Safe and sound’ is a saying we all know well.

A phrase that we say to loved ones and a feeling we all want to provide especially in our own homes. So how do you ensure your home is as safe as it can be whether at home or away?

There are many choices these days when it comes to improving the safety and security of your home environment but below you will find 5 of our recommended, easiest and most effective

Update your windows and doors.

Whether you own a small or a large home, a home is somewhere you want to feel safe. Feeling safe starts from the outside with your windows and doors. By placing security at the forefront of thinking Coral Windows and Conservatories provide the latest designs and features to create secure windows and doors for your property. It’s one of the top reasons customers buy from us again and again.

Coral Security Windows

Many companies fail to incorporate features such as the ‘hinge bolt’ into their designs.

Coral’s windows employ hinge bolts to ensure security from the hinged part of the window in addition to the lock. This design feature enables a much more secure design for your windows. With internal beading, shoot lock bolts and lockable handles, your windows will be much more secure and resistant to potential intruders or unauthorised entry.

With highly skilled designers and fitters, windows from Coral provide your home with a much greater level of security compared to previous designs and fittings.

Coral has a vast choice of designs when it comes to the look and style of updating your property, but at the core of all designs is the feature of added security.

Whether you choose a classic ‘Golden Oak’ or a modern ‘Chartwell Green’ all of our doors feature the award winning safety features along with adhering to ‘British Standard BS626’. Anti-Snap cylinders as standard and a guard covering the lock make snapping almost impossible. A vast choice of windows and doors all with security features designed to last.

Add an Alarm

An alarm that shows is an alarm that deters. There are many different designs of house alarms, ones that are motion censored to those that provide digital images to your phone or computer.

Whichever you decide upon ensure that your alarm shows from the outside. An alarm box visible on the exterior of your property will provide more of a diversion for an intruder to one that doesn’t. Most importantly, use it! When leaving the property ensure that the alarm is set and that occupiers of the property know how to use and maintain the alarm to ensure it is used to its full potential.

Maintain bushes/ trees and add outdoor lighting

Just as you would spend time maintaining your lawn or patio area think about the surrounding bushes and trees. Spend time looking at your garden from a different perspective, the perspective of an intruder. An intruder will take any route possible to your property or use poorly maintained bushes and trees as hiding places. Ensure that this risk is reduced by trimming and removing excess foliage and cover, to ensure a less tempting place to take concealment.

By adding outdoor lighting you provide exposure to intruders and an indicator to alert you to disturbance. 

Spare Key? It’s hiding under the plant pot

Never hide a spare key! You are enabling an intruder to open up your home freely and with ease. It does not matter how imaginative you have been in ensuring a safe hiding place if an intruder is intent on gaining access they will find the key. The most sensible place to hide your key is with a trusted friend or neighbour. Should you require the use of your spare key it will be a lot safer in their hands than under the plant pot.

Do not advertise your absence

When vacating your home ensure that the whole world isn’t aware. Ensure that a trusted friend or neighbour is aware so that they can observe any changes in your property, lights on that shouldn’t be or doors or windows disturbed.

Ask them to collect post to reduce a build-up of mail in the letter box or on the mat. Ask them to empty bins, open/ close curtains so the property appears lived in. Another good way to provide the effect that someone is at home is to set a timer on internal lights.

Whatever methods you choose, aim to make your home as safe and secure as possible and remember secure windows and doors will make it a lot harder for an intruder to gain access to your property no matter where they have been hiding or what they have observed!


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