How To Look After Your New Windows Now The Weather Is Changing

We’re all looking forward to feeling a little warmer, after what has felt like the longest winter. With the beast from the east, the massive temperature drops and now, the consistent downpour of rain, we can’t think of a better time for some sunshine.

Whilst we’re not quite sure at this point when the summer will come, it’s important to be prepared for the eventual change in temperature with the season change. Now’s the time to start thinking about how to care for your new windows, increasing their life span and ensuring they look their best!

Keep them dust free

As summer brings the drier weather, dust accumulation has a tendency to increase. Dust build-up over time can interfere with functionality, so ensure that you clean them regularly. It’s as important to take care of your window frames, as it is to take care of your glass. Opt for mild dish soap, water and a damp cloth.

Clean both interior and exterior

We can’t think of a better time to do it! Soak up the sun whilst cleaning both the interior and exterior of your new windows. It’s often easy to neglect the exterior, as it can be slightly trickier to work out the logistics of reaching these parts of your windows – however, it’s important to care for them in order to increase the longevity of your beautiful new windows (particularly as the sun will soon reveal whether they’ve be cleaned or not!).

Dry the surfaces, don’t simply rely on the sun

Yes, it may be tempting to leave windows to dry in the sun, however take into account the spots that the sun may not reach – and just think of the smears on the glass! Ensure you remove all cleaner from the surfaces, and dry off any moisture.

Take care of joints and hinges

If you use an air-conditioning unit, you’re likely to keep windows and doors closed throughout the day for the AC to be more effective. To ensure regular use of joints and hinges, allow during the cooler parts of the days to open windows – enjoy the benefits of letting some air into your home at the same time. This is a great time to check that all is functioning well, and any locks are working and windows are closing correctly.

The age-old saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ most definitely applies when taking care of windows and doors. You’ve spent your hard earned cash on making your homes beautiful, safe and economical – we can’t think of a better reason than that to want to ensure it lasts!


Categories: Advice